Phillip De Ritis

Op deze bedrijfspagina vindt u informatie over Phillip De Ritis, gevestigd in Amsterdam in de provincie Noord-Holland. U vindt onder andere het adres, de plaats, het telefoonnummer, openingstijden en andere contactgegevens. Daarnaast vindt u specialisaties en aantekeningen van deze kapper of kapsalon. Zo weet u welke behandelingen Phillip De Ritis voor u kan verzorgen. Ten slotte kunt een beoordeling of review achterlaten als u al ervaring hebt met deze kapperszaak.

Zoekt u een andere kapper? Zoek dan in Amsterdam.


Phillip De Ritis
Pieter Baststraat 35
1071TV Amsterdam
KvK: 34165102

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Phillip De Ritis




Deze openingstijden zijn indicatief en kunnen, bijvoorbeeld wegens omstandigheden, afwijken. Neem voor de zekerheid contact op met het bedrijf of kijk op de website.


Gemiddelde beoordeling: 2
Gebaseerd op 1 beoordeling
25-03-2021, 15:15
I bought a deal via groupon for a haircut by phillip de ritis. The next day the hairdressers got closed due to corona regulations. I have called phillip de ritis to ask, what could be the solution. He said not to worry and that I will be able to use my groupon when he is open again. He assured me that everyone who got a groupon will be able to use it. I waited till hairdressers were open again. Then I gave a call to phillip de ritis and what was my surprise when he told me that I could not use my groupon any more. To my answer that he himself promised me that, he reacted angry and said was not going to discuss it with me, and he did not have time for me, and stopped the call.
Groupon were nice and reimbursed my money in form of groupon credits. However, I felt very disrespected the way phillip de ritis spoke to me and the way he treated me as a client. It is not a news that the Dutch service is bad, and unfortunately this hairdresser proved that. Very pity for the way he treats his clients and kills his reputation. I will not go to him again and I will not recommend anyone to deal with him, as he does not keep his word. To me it is unacceptable.

Beoordeel Phillip De Ritis

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